Joe Yoga Lyrics
Someday, someone is going to leave a comment.
Joe Yoga is a songwriter, artist, facilitator, raconteur, bass-for-hire, open mic whore, and incorrigible force of nature based in NYC. Write him at joeyoga [at] yahoo [dotcom]
My demo for "Easy Rider" is on the front page at!!! PLEASE GO VOTE IT UP!!! Ok... so you need to log in to vote. But everyone has a throwaway email account, don't they? And I never/rarely ask people to vote for me in stupid contests like this. But it's Epitaph! Tom Waits! 90s Pop-Punk! Independent Label! GO DO IT!!
OPEN CALL: putting a live band together. biggest need is a cajon player or
GRUDGE MATCH: Music vs. Comedy
Labels: fraser young, grudge match, joe yoga, john murdock, marfa music, mo diggs, molly knefel, mr. marbar, pat hull
Going to buy socks because you haven't had the time to do laundry. Pathetic.... or heroic?