Friday, February 20, 2009

Adventures in Shuffle.

Here's a strange one for you. Usually when I am at home I leave iTunes on shuffle, and when I am at work I usually listen to albums all the way through. I guess it has something to do with the fact that when I'm at work, I know I'm going to be sitting at my desk for an extended period of time and am comfortable with committing to a whole album, whereas if I'm at home I want to maintain the illusion that I could at any moment pop up and do real work, or x-out the itunes to work on some music or whatever. Don't want to do this if I'm halfway through Animals or Collective Psychosis Begone. Right?

Well I have the first Tapes and Tapes record on my work iTunes, but because I never really got grabbed by it and because I rarely shuffle at work, I am quite unfamiliar with most of the tracks by now. But for whatever reason, songs from it have kept coming up on shuffle today and I keep thinking they're something else. Is this Babyshambles? Is this one of the Frank Black b-sides I don't know all that well? Is this from that weird Mike Watt solo album?

Besides making me think Oh God, another band that apes its influences instead of being, you know, influenced by them, it also made me acknowledge that there are a few pretty good songs on here... well... probably more accurately, a few good hooks, a good chorus... the songs don't really do it for me, but there are some redeeming qualities. It's not going to make me want to listen to the whole album, or go see a show, but it might make me reluctant to hit the FWD button when it shows up on shuffle.


Anyway, I think I have solved the whole "Joe Yoga is not signed, nor known" problem... I will keep you all updated. A plan is hatched...


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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Joe Yoga gigs... Late Feb and beyond...

FEB 20th (Friday)
Yoga live solo @ The Doctor Michelle Party!
@ Lolita Bar / 7:30pm
266 Broome Street, between Allen and Orchard
New York, NY
w/Alabaster Rhumb, Mike Milazzo, Michelle Leona,
David Lowe, The Bitter Poet (I LOVE THIS GUY!!),
Kelly Dwyer and more!!


FEB 23rd (Monday)
Yoga live solo and w/Gutter and Spine
@ Astoria Music and Arts showcase @ Blackbirds!
Blackbirds 8:00pm - 11:00pm
42nd & 30th ave (N/W to 30th ave)
Astoria, NY


MAR 3rd (Monday)
Yoga live @ Stained Glass Confessional 3
A Night of Strummers, Stanzas & Strange Stories

Monday, March 2, 2009
7:00pm - 11:00pm
Stain Bar
766 Grand Street
Brooklyn, NY

Come join Professional Raconteur James Kass along with:
Musicians Joe Yoga, James Skidmore, Jillian Tully.
and Poets Janice Brabaw, Carrie VanDenburg, and Jee Leong Koh.


MAR 5th (Thursday)

@ Under St Mark's Theater
94 St Mark's Pl (btwn 1st and Ave A)
10:30 pm

Part of the Frigid Festival

MAR 12th (Thursday)

Yoga Live at Stain Bar
w/Dustin Edge and The Galt Line


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Friday, February 13, 2009

Stained Glass Confessional 3

Stained Glass Confessional 3
A Night of Strummers, Stanzas & Strange Stories

Monday, March 2, 2009
7:00pm - 11:00pm

Stain Bar
766 Grand Street
Brooklyn, NY

Come join Professional Raconteur James Kass along with:

Musicians Joe Yoga, James Skidmore, Jillian Tully.
and Poets Janice Brabaw, Carrie VanDenburg, and Jee Leong Koh.

facebook event page:


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Joe Yoga AMR interview!

Recently I was interviewed via email by my friend and colleague Nick Courage, of A Mutual Respect Books and Records. There's lots of clips and photos over there, I urge you to check it out! and the whole "Friend of a Friend" interview series he has going on.


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Need mp3 hosting

Can anyone recommend a good mp3 hosting site, and tell me why they're great?


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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Everything is back here now!!!

Everything is going to be here now. getting a nice mp3 hosting service and will blog extensively about life as a parasite here in NYC.