Monday, August 25, 2008

Yoga @ Don Pedro 8/23

AWESOMENESS is the word for Don Pedro. Well, it was OK. There were some technical problems early on, which was fine except for the fact that they all happened during Alabaster's set. His manager cursed out our very stressed-out host Gary, though I don't think he heard, or at least acted like he didn't care.
During all of this I was hanging out with the great Tim Warner over by one end of the stage. He and I were bonding over the fact that we've both quit cigarettes. I was kind of worried about him because the words "Joe Biden" kept leaping out of his mouth. I wasn't sure if it was on purpose or if like me he'd just been watching too much C-Span.
So yeah, I had lots of other things on my mind, such as the BBQ we were heading to afterwards, whether my harmonica rack would betray me again (it did, the bastard!), poverty, a looming McCain presidency and the collapse of social order. Luckily it was my spot soon. I played:

Panic Attack
What Life Feels Life
Urban Planning (god-damn harmonica rack fucked me!)

Anyway it was an all right gig, lots of people there for themselves, but got a few nods on my way out, even from Mr. Fury himself. Draw sucked but the place is way the fuck out in the middle of nowheres, across from a huge conglomeration of projects. I wonder if places like these have kind of overextended the hipster brand... a few places, like Goodbye Blue Monday, will probably survive. I have my doubts about DP's though.

The night ended @ the Brooklyn Boy's pad for a BBQ - with drunken Bohemian Rhapsody, a fifth of Tequilla, grilled chicken, hot dogs, and burgers, and a ride home. Can't ask for much more than that.

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Mr. Phelps didn't get the memo.

It's been a pretty good week for Michael Phelps. Fifteen medals, ten of which were gold, he set a new world record every time he entered the pool, he got to make out with that hot Australian swimmer Stephanie Rice, and now that the olympics are over he gets to go back to the states and immerse himself in corporate money via endorsements!

Now, I don't have a lot of respect for famous people who whore their visages out to corporations to become the face of a certain product, but I will give the person some slack if they actually like the product (or if they need the money, but that's another story for another time).

Everyone's heard about Michael Phelp's legendary diet... 57,000 calories a day I think. Alls the guy does is eat, sleep, fuck Australians, and swim. Guy eats a box of Frosted Flakes every morning. Motherfucker is not going to hide that shit. Boy loves the sugar. So when Phelps won his seventeenth medal, American corporations smelled blood in the water. Good looking guy, fifteen minutes of fame, Olympics = America, fuck yeah! Get this kid to sign his face over so we can put it on our product.

Naturally, Wheaties, the Breakfast of Champions, (because they say so, apparently) wants the guy to whore himself out so GM can sell boxes of cereal. But wait! Phelps signs with Kellogg instead; he wants to endorse Frosted Flakes because GASP - he actaully eats that shit and loves it! Imagine that. Now Wheaties throws a hissy fit and gets all these nutrition "experts" to bash him in the media:

"I would not consider Frosted Flakes the food of an Olympian," nutritionist Rebecca Solomon of Mount Sinai Medical Center told the NY Daily News

O RLY??? You wouldn't? Well guess what, Bex, I got someone who disagrees with you, he's called PHELPS THE DESTROYER, and he's got seventeen gold medals and a mouthful of Australian Swimmer pussy that says you're wrong.

Hey Phelps, you missed the memo! You're not supposed to endorse products that you LIKE, dumbass. What the fuck? Olympic champions endorse WHEATIES. Did you miss that while facebooking on your ipod for the last eight years??

Do what you're supposed to do! Or do a little good old-fashioned American whoring and go straight for the money! Like Rachel Ray, who plasters her Long Island-esque face all over Dunkin Donuts commercials yet screams at on-set interns to go get her Starbucks coffee while she's filming the god damn Dunkin Donuts commercial. What? You don't have enough money from your cookbook and your goddamn tv show, you have to LIE about how much you like Dunkin Donuts so they'll give you MORE money?? Fucking sad.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Joe Yoga live @ God Tastes Like Chicken (setlist)

I played last night (8/21/2008) at God Tastes Like Chicken @ Under St. Mark's Theatre, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite places of all time. Here was the lineup:

Tim Warner
Ed Murray
God Tastes Like Chicken
Joe Yoga
Jake (New Guy) Jampel
Mike Milazzo


Quite the fucking lineup. Props to John Murdock for putting together such a talented group of misanthropes every time he does this show.

Here was my setlist:

Panic Attack
Dumb Luck ---->
Small Hands

Lovely Marsha filmed it! Keep an eye on this space for video.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Yoga and Rum

just plain awesomeness here. and there is a BBQ party we're all crashing afterwards!

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Album Release Party at Parkside Lounge (setlist?)

Last night I held my album release party (B-Sides and Rarities) at Parkside Lounge. This is a great little venue on Attorney and E Houston; it's down the street from the old Coach rehearsal space, and one of the places I would end up before or after practice for a beer. Three dollar PBR drafts... not bad.

Overall it was a success. It was overwhelming to see so many people there, including some of my very favorite people in the entire world. With the crowd from the band that went on after me, there were probably close to 40 people in the room. If not more. The room was full! There were some problems with the monitors at the beginning and I had some nerves but settled in nicely and ended up doing a great set.

I can't thank everyone who came enough, and those who wanted to come but couldn't or didn't for whatever reason. You all know who you are and I'm forever indebted to you for your love and support.

Now, since I am very unprofessional and don't use a setlist, and I forgot to record the show, I don't know what exactly the setlist was. But it went something like this:

Everything's Ahead of Us Now
Panic Attack
Small Hands
(i know those were the first three... here's where things get fuzzy, order-wise)
Hey Indigo
The Outer Limits
Shoulda Coulda (w/Nick Courage - part of the braintrust)
Are You Tired of Me My Darling
Burning Yr Bridges

(i know these were the last two)
Urban Planning

No recordings exist, but there are a bunch of pictures out there that I have to hunt down.

also - i have a new website! thanks to Marsha for helping me set it up... it's still in its nascent stages but will be GRAND!!!! -

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